Making Pseudo-Bunraku Puppets

For "Antiretrovirals and Water Refugees: A living Newspaper on Haiti
By John Bell and the MIT Dramashop

I made a drawing to figure out a good size for the puppets, tall enough that it would be easy to manipulate the arms without stooping too much, and then used it to figure out the proportions for the heads and bodies.

drawing........... head

The heads were of paper bag paper - essentially wooden masks............ I experimented with oiling the paper.

heads............ heads

It"s good to have lots of help on things like hands and feet. The cast, crew and faculty chipped in.

help........... help

hands......... feet

The frame has a seat so they can sit by themselves............The costume shop found childrens' clothes for them.

frame............... clothes

They look much better dressed


Become one with your puppet!

frame clothes

frame clothes

Now rehearse..... and rehearse....


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